Location: California, United States

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

What is missed!

Hello all,
Here is a simple post and I attempted to keep it shorter than my usual.

Well, I did it (insert sarcasm)!
My son’s cousin (on his mother’s side), celebrated her birthday at a skating rink over the weekend. At the attending parents’ request, I laced up for the first time in over ten years. The Parents desire: free skating instruction for the young party guests. I did not attempt to relive my old joys by doing any Axels, (Toe) Loops, Lutz’, or Sal chows. I only skated forward and backward as I taught the children how to skate- and my body was not prepared. This five hour experience has left my leg completely unusable, as I have not been able to move the joint. While my body is down, my heart is overwhelmed with joy as I watched some of the kids skate, unassisted, for the first time. It was worth it.

As these times enter my life, and I know they will continue, I think about those “worst-case-scenarios”. I have been thinking of my Air Force Buddy’s best friend, "C". He once told me a story, which I shall always remember. Some of you may even have knowledge of his stories, as he is very good. Anyway, he will continue to brighten my outlook with stories like this one. Therefore, "CLD", here is what I have been thinking about and I know it is not word for word and much shorter, as you are the one with the gift.
The setting: a lonely phone booth, outside of a bus station in the mid-west, and a single cowboy calling home to his wife to inform her of his arrival. He told her he is finished with the circuit and he is a couple hours away and coming home. She expressed her joy and told him that his timing was perfect, as the ranch really requires a lot of work. He also said that he would be traveling with a friend. She was happy, as they could use the extra help for all of the work. Well, his friend will probably not be able to assist them. You see, this friend had been hurt, pretty badly. She told him, they had no use for somebody who could not pull their own weight. They would have another mouth to feed, and they needed somebody to help with the work. She said; just leave that friend where you found him, on the road.

He said OK and hung up the phone.

He adjusted his hat, picked up his crutches and boarded the bus going the opposite direction.

Sometimes, we can say what is on our mind and forget to think about what is on the other person’s mind, or how they will perceive what we are trying to say. It is at those times, we might receive the exact opposite of our desires.

No matter how bad it can get; I am thankful for all that, I have not lost.

“Chris”, you are missed.



Blogger Seven said...

A very nice journey you take us on in this one Reach. Thanks for sharing those thoughts. The use of the language can be uplifting or damning at the same time can it not?. You have shown us the damning in story form and the uplifting in your efforts here. Thanks

Wed Apr 12, 05:04:00 AM PDT  

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