Location: California, United States

Friday, February 03, 2006

Another chance to meet me....

I truly enjoy this medium of communication. On one hand, it is impersonal and I feel free to allow my self expression to flow. On the other hand, I can lay all of the “cards” on the table and wait for a response. As we get to know other people in this realm, essentially we are getting to ourselves better through their expressions. I do enjoy this.
Now, we shall venture a little deeper into the person who call’s himself “Reach”.
My first name is Terry. Additionally, I have several nick names to include “T”, self explanatory; “Gimp”, due to the fact I had been on crutches for over one year; “Wally”, issued at the Air Force Flight School- there was one gentleman in our class who looked like he was sixteen and was called “The Beav”. When he turned 21, the class had taken him out drinking. I decided to be his “Wing Man” this night and ensure his safety (everybody else was too drunk); and “Dad”, my son’s friends like me.
In the past, I have spoken about my days, my goals, my future, my politics (more like rants). Today I speak about nature.
I love the out-of-doors. I love animals, all aspects of the weather, mountains, oceans, deserts, and beaches.
Animals- I have a rare ability to approach wild animals, without fear, and gain their respect. Wild animals hold a certain curiosity about me. They become inquisitive around me, and overcome their fear of humans. I do not know why. I have had the craziest experiences. My friends have asked, “How did you do that”? I have been successful in assisting the training of other friend’s pets. In addition, I am an equestrian (was, prior my injury). I have a couple of friends, who would like me to ride their horses in competition because of an ability to bring out the best in the animal. I have successfully ridden one friend’s Lipizan Stallion. This particular friend remarked about my touch with “Sparky”, the Stallion’s nick name. I, seemed, to have been able to bring “Sparky” to a level that only his trainer was able to attain. I don’t know, I only have fun with animals.
Weather- this is how “Mother Nature” speaks to us. Imagine playing football in the rain, with all of the slipping and sliding. It could be fun. Imagine surfing in the rain; hey, you are already wet! The wind, I have always wanted to “Land Sail”. Would not that be fun?
Mountains- I camp! Moreover, with the previously mentioned, need I say more?
Oceans, beaches- Same!
Desert- I camp and ride off road. Imagine the stars at night, when you can see from horizon to horizon, without a hindering light. Think about it. Most kids have played the game of counting stars, think of a time when that seemed ridiculous. Now, in the desert, all you could say is “YA-RIGHT”! When the moon lights your walking trail to a point, you could drop a quarter and still see where it fell- in SAND.
I have been asked why I call myself Reach. The answer is simple to aviators. Each airline has/owns a radio call sign, or handle. One of the United States Air Force’s sign is “Reach”. It actually is quite simple.
Now you have learned more about me.
Have a great weekend.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to meet you Reach!

Sun Feb 05, 07:22:00 AM PST  
Blogger Melissa said...

I, too, have the ability to connect with animals in a way that most people can't. I have always felt an overwhelming desire to protect and care for them, and maybe they can sense that. I'm not sure; I am just supremely grateful for it, as I can't imagine my life without them.

Mon Feb 06, 09:44:00 AM PST  

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