Meeting your Childhood Idol
The morning began bright and sunny, here in Southern California, late 1980’s. I was early in my aviation career and still learning (not that I have stopped) about the planes, pilots, and flight, scheduled to work that afternoon in the hangar. I got the call around noon that I would have a guest when I arrived to the hangar. This guest wanted a guided tour and I was the designated “tour guide” by default. You see, I loved these airplanes so much; I studied every aspect and characteristic imaginable. The consensus was- nobody knew the collection like me, “Reach”, so the other guys would call upon me when somebody of importance requested a tour. I only loved the airplanes.
I worked for a very wealthy, private aviation collector. As he witnessed my love of his assemblage, he requested that I assist the restorations of his WWII “toys” I think for my sake. The “true” mechanics always appreciated my help, as I was willing to do anything- for the aircraft, they asked.
As I entered the office, early for work, the General Manager came down happy. He introduced me to our guest, a very tall, distinguished gentleman who gave and received much respect. Our guest turned to face me as the GM said his name and my heart and soul dropped, as my legs were no longer able to support my body. “Mr. Eastwood,” said our GM, “I would like you to meet your tour guide”. I thought- “Mr. Eastwood?” as in “Mr. Clint….Eastwood?” This gentleman turned toward me and No-Shit, it is he!

Since a child, not even “The Duke”, my father’s idol, could match Clint Eastwood! I have seen every movie he has ever taken part. Clint Eastwood was my idol and I admired everything this man has done, and here he is standing in front of me. As his hand stretched out, he said, “Very nice to meet you, ‘Reach’”. Shit, he just called me by my first name! Way Cool!
After I recovered my nervously quivering voice, the tour went well and I was able to answer all of his questions. Ha-ha, now it is my turn. “Sir, may I ask what you are doing here”, I asked. He responded with, “flying lessons”.

Time passed and his flight lessons were going well, he came to know me by my first name. I would enter work and there he was waiting on one thing, or another, and he would say, “Hello ‘Reach’”. This was a wild time for me, as he is a very private person.
Years passed and I am still working for the same company and a jet lands with some spokes-persons for a famous Golf-Club manufacturer. As famous people began disembarking the aircraft, I was not expecting the names and faces standing around me. On this afternoon I met, Sugar-Ray Leonard, Chevy Chase, Kenny-G (well he was there), Kenny Loggins, and Randy Quaid out on the ramp. From behind me, I heard a very recognizable voice, saying, “Have you met ‘Reach’”, as he greeted our guests. Mr. Eastwood was inside awaiting their arrival, and recommending these gentlemen tour our hangar- and that, I should lead the way before their limo arrived. Holly-shit, not only was I the guide of choice, but they remembered me by name.
I could not be a famous personality; being recognized in different surroundings tends to blow me away. I am but one face in thousands and I like it this way. However, this was the closest I will ever come to any form of fame, and I loved that day.
I have found that important or famous folks I have crossed all have a charisma about them. It's hard to know if it is part of the original package or came afterward; in any case I know this is a wonderful memory for you and I have the feeling Mr. Eastwood was as impressed with you as you with he.
Rick, what a cool thought.
Holy. Crap.
Wow, that's an amazing story. Tour guide to the stars.
Amazing, I agree with what Rick said, for some reason there is a "Larger Than life" quality to most famous people. I think that to be in the spotlight 24/7 you have to have a special quality about you. How does it feel to HANG with hollywood's finest?
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