Location: California, United States

Friday, May 05, 2006

Reach Flight, please change course- ATC

Hello All,

Time to go in a different direction, yes the flight plan has changed. I try to entertain and speak my mind. I do not try to go into a direction that may offend. However, this post just might go into that arena. For this, I apologize to anyone person these words may adversely affect.

I am going to speak of the rallies.

Foundation: Though my travels have taken me around the world, I have always returned to Southern California to call home. I am not racist, by any means of the term. I have attended school and befriended many people from our proud neighboring country to the South. Of these friends: I have ventured to their home land and lived among their families; I have attended many celebrations of their achieving United States Citizenship; I have “partied” with their family members, who have not received their citizenship. These are my friends! I care about these people and their feelings. They have taken a long and hard journey into their achievement.

The protests included many people who were not US citizens, calling for our government to change their/our policy. These people were business owners, workers, and just people who want a better life. What do they expect? Should we just give them a citizenship? I think they need to earn it. They need to take the classes, test, and Oath in order to gain their citizenship.
During the march, and I was paying attention; I did not see violence, I did not see hatred. I witnessed many people, who I would love for them to be a part of our country, Nation. I would just appreciate the fact that they would do this LEGALLY.

I hope I remained on track and spoke my thoughts well. I am surprised that I am not seeing other blogs, from other people, on this very subject. All of the previous said, I am very proud to see people standing in unison for their beliefs. What are your thoughts?


I am not going into the Pledge of Allegiance or the National Anthem in Spanish.
Additionally, I am not going into the waving of the Flag of Mexico during a United States march/protest. I am not going into the local news reporting in all Spanish, when the official language of the United States is English.
However, I did observe these.


Blogger Seven said...

It's an intriguing topic and its a bit litterd with landmines isn't it?
I don't find anything offensive in your post.
My thoughts are a little skewed from the topic as it is normally discussed, but I feel strongly that if Mexico was culturally and politically reformed it would go along way to solving the problem.
America's immigraton problem is a symptom of a larger disease existent in Mexico. The underlying corruption of Mexican government and business institutions is responsible for the stifling lack of inclusion for Mexican citizens.
Do we see stories of the Mexican Border patrol struggling with a rush of Americans into Mexico! No. There is a reason.
Perhaps the protest enrgy could be more wisely spent a little farther south in the homeland?

Sun May 07, 10:16:00 AM PDT  
Blogger T.H. Elliott said...

Yeah, I think they should do it all legally. It's just not fair to suddenly say, oh, you're hear illegally so you can just be citizens now, and screw the people who are actually going through the paperwork, and the tests, and trying to learn English.

And let's face it, it's just stupid to protest in Spanish when you want to become a US citizen. We speak English here. Sure, people always speak what they want in their homes, communities, etc. But if you can't speak the language of the country you're living in, you shouldn't be allowed to live there.

Mon May 08, 06:17:00 AM PDT  

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