The American Dream III
Born into an American Indian Tribe in Southern California in the early 1960’s, Johnny saw first hand the extra challenges before him. Thus, he worked hard and went to night school in order to set his plan in motion. Early one summer, Johnny, now in his mid-twenties and a graduate from UCLA, introduced two executives from Las Vegas to the Tribal Council on the Reservation. At this time, Indian Gaming was in its infant stages and Johnny recognized not only his dream, but also an opportunity for his people. These men spoke to the council of the unrecognized value and potential for severe financial gains the tribe possessed, and then offered to assist the council in the planning and lobbying to the California Senate for licensing- convincingly lucrative to all in this union if approved.
The California Governor, realizing his own “American Dream”, always dreamt of a political seat; however, he is a “Naturalized” citizen and allowed only certain positions. The Governor agreed to meet with Johnny to discuss “American Dreams” and Johnny’s plan grew further into existence.
To this day, the casino is more than profitable and Johnny’s people are living the lives the ancestors had always imagined. The children are receiving the best education and learning their own dreams. Johnny and his wife are expecting their second child, while Johnny is busier than ever working on his next “American Dream”.
Be Safe,