4 Reach

Location: California, United States

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


You Are a Dreaming Soul

Your vivid emotions and imagination takes you away from this world
So much so that you tend to live in your head most of the time
You have great dreams and ambitions that could be the envy of all...
But for you, following through with your dreams is a bit difficult

You are charming, endearing, and people tend to love you.
Forgiving and tolerant, you see the world through rose colored glasses.
Underneath it all, you have a ton of passion that you hide from others.
Always hopeful, you tend to expect positive outcomes in your life.

Monday, December 25, 2006


Merry Christmas All,

I have family here, and some left to go other places. I am alive and in celebration with family.

Peace be with each of you and your families on this, and every, day of these holidays.


Thursday, December 14, 2006

Communicating with one Oar

Hello All,

Is it not irony that the word “solo” meaning single or alone, when applied to relationships is pronounced “So Low”?

If you have read my previous post, you will understand why I am facing some rapids lately. Additionally, I have spoken to other single people out there and I have found that we are in the same, and different, boats. As I row alone during this holiday season, I find my single oar tends to create a cyclic pattern and I need to move forward. With every stroke, I am finding my path changing. Do I follow the new direction, or move toward a final goal?

It must be the season, for all I feel at this moment in time is confusing circles. Though, ‘this season’ has lasted over three years, I am certain that it is about to change. Here is what I find truly comical- I am an extremely romantic person with love. It is not uncommon for my actions to remind friends, their desire for a parallel behavior from their ‘better-half’.

Ladies, let me ask you this-
For a special occasion, I have taken a friend out to dinner on her birthday. We arrived to the restaurant with out reservations, and seated normally because the staff was prepared for us. The menu’s are handed out and I pretend to read mine; all the while, watching her for a reaction as she opens the menu.
Earlier, I went to the restaurant and left a personalized and unique Birthday card to be placed in her menu and handed to her when we were seated. Ok, time for the question so prepare yourself-

Why do women say that want a considerate, carrying man; yet, fail to recognize one and throw him to the side?

As I read this post, I think to myself “this is negative”. Well, how can I move forward if I can not release that of the past? How much should I hold back and not release? So, there- there is one release. Do I feel better? Who knows- I certainly don’t.

Just a feeling,


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Communicating in the Rapids

Hello All,

Do you ever feel as though you are swimming or canoeing up stream? As every event around you seems to be going smooth- then around the next bend comes some rapids and you begin drifting backward no matter which direction you select.
What do we do when a conversation takes this journey? Do we attempt to take one step back and explain or reword our intended thought? Lately, I’ve been experiencing this with my communication skills.

I’ve been corresponding with many friends lately and some of my thoughts appear to be “caught in a current”. Then, when I do take that step backward I find that I only deepen the confusion and drift away from the desired direction. Am I frustrated, hell yes!

That is my complaint of the day- hope this seems major in comparison to yours. As to not be caught in a tide with this thought, I mean that I hope you have no complaints for I am aware this is only trivial and will pass with time.


Sunday, December 10, 2006

Hello All,
  • Valerie
  • wrote, "Brandy is neither egg nog or hot chocolate, Reach. Answer the question! :)"

    While I like my egg nog to contain brandy, I thought why bother mixing and go straight to the brandy.

    This was short but sweet.
    EZ reading day...


    Wednesday, December 06, 2006

    Hello All,

    I know, two posts in one day and my reader-base will go into shock therapy. This little gem is from
  • The Beautiful Holly
  • . I thought it nice to join her in this information gathering process. So, here we go:

    Holiday Edition of Getting to Know Your Friends.
    Hope everyone has time for a few moments of fun! Don't be a scrooge!!!

    1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate?
    Brandy (I know, but I'm on a diet)
    2. Does Santa wrap presents or just set them under the tree?
    I've been bad this year.
    3. Colored or white lights on tree/house?
    Colored/ Flashing and a train at the base.
    4. Do you hang mistletoe?
    I like to be surprised.
    5. When do you put your decorations up?
    When we start the Brandy.
    6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?
    Candied Yams
    7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child?
    My new bicycle unvailing or the sail boat.
    8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?
    I saw him and he sounded like my Dad.
    9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?
    Yes, all the gifts from the family- Santa is Christmas day.
    10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree?
    Everything we can find goes on it.
    11 Snow! Love it or Dread it?
    Southern California- we are snow deficient.
    12. Can you ice skate?
    Before my injury, yes. I used to be a competition skater.
    13. Do you remember your favorite gift?
    The sail boat, cause the BB-Gun put somebodies eye out (only joking)
    14. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert?
    Home-made Ice Cream!
    15. What is your favorite holiday tradition?
    Getting to gether with the family.
    16. What tops your tree?
    My Aunt's Tree. It is always awesome.
    17. Which do you prefer Giving or Receiving?
    Can I say neither? I love to watch people's faces when they open any gift.
    18. What is your favorite Christmas Song?
    Ok, laugh if you will, I love the Theme from Peanuts, or the entire Nut Cracker Album.
    19. Candy Canes!
    Are OK.
    20. What is your funniest holiday memory?
    When the dog dove into the Christmas Tree and it fell over.

    My road has an intersection

    Hello All,

    Well, it has been brought to my attention that I am not the only one who ventures out, with regular stops, to see what is new in the lives of those I have interest. I, again, apologize for the time between posts as I have found myself in an emotional state not commonly recognized by my readers- I have been depressed. All the usual thoughts apply as well as monetary pressures and my mind has found no place for creative thoughts. Call it my latest obsessions, if you will.

    Dear Miss Holly has been so kind by illuminating a path back to Blogger Ville reality. Thank You, Beautiful.

    Today’s mail did bring new information. First, I am to be at home tomorrow between 1:00 PM to 3:00PM for an interview with the good people at unemployment. My claim began this last 15 October and now they wish to verify my qualifications. Imagine that! Second, in the previous two weeks and with many employment applications distributed, today I received approval for my interest in working for the San Diego County. They require a minimum entrance score of 85.00 and I scored a 90.00- not much for an “over-achiever” if I do say so myself. Finally, third brings a scheduled appointment with the doctors who will analyze my case for the Veterans Administration. On 20 December, 2006 I shall be meeting with several people for physical examinations, I think I had better begin my studies.

    My room-mate has made a decision of placement. With a beautiful daughter in tow, they shall move to a new location; thereby, leaving one empty room, my son, and I in this house. I find the times that I am alone are when the mind begins to work hard in defeat. Yet, as my history has proven- I shall prevail and the world shall be mine.

    So watch out, when you are traveling the road of life, there just may be a “Speeder” rapidly approaching your progress. With out a hinder, I shall wave my hand in greeting as I find my new roads.
