Location: California, United States

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Hello All,
Today’s post will be a response to
  • Seven’s
  • article.
    In his post, he asked the questions:
    Why must airplanes fly so high, he referred to flight altitude 30,000 feet?
    Why do airplanes have such small wheels?
    Finally, why don’t airplanes have bumpers?
    As with most technical subjects, there remain several answers. I worded this response for the initiate in the aviation field, and not meant to imply that you the reader fit this category. Though my days of flight will become that of a passenger, I am still an aviation enthusiast wanting to continue its promotion. Statistically speaking, aviation still ranks one of the highest forms of safe transportation; and yet carries the reputation of the most feared travel mode. With education and knowledge, the general populace might learn to embrace the beauty, which Orville and Wilbur Wright once experienced.

    The intention of the aircraft designers is to provide maximum airframe integrity in the air and keep its total weight to a minimum. Fully utilizing personnel on the ground to avoid collisions would eliminate the need to install bumpers and assist in keeping the weight to minimums.
    As there are many factors dealing with an aircraft’s tire size, this is one area where size does matter. I will address a couple of reasons here, and continue in the comments section for a discussion board, if needed or desired. With today’s technology, smaller tires have the ability to carry higher loads, save on weight, and require shorter “spin up” distances. Additionally, the utilization of smaller sized tires will reduce the size of the fuselage wheel wells for tire retraction in the air, making the aircraft more aerodynamic. This reduced space will enable the designers to position other necessary equipment in that, now void, region of the airframe, namely fuel tanks and hydraulic systems- pending on the aircraft manufacturer.
    Atmospheric pressure is conversely proportional to true altitude and is measured as Pressure Altitude (PA), pending temperature. This information can be used in several designs, whether normal flight operations or emergency procedures. With a decreased PA, the fuel governor will reduce the fuel to air mixture to keep the engines running. This fuel savings will increase the flight distance (Range) capabilities of the aircraft and save on fuel costs for the shorter distances (Damned Management making more money and not spreading the wealth). Considering an aircraft does not have the availability to “pull off to the side of the road”, Range widens the opportunities to land in the case of an emergency. I have not addressed many other issues here, only due to the nature of keeping this short. Other factors will include the use of the “Jet Stream”, Air Traffic Routes, Weather Avoidance, and Equal Time Point, to name a few.
    It is my hope that I have either answered these questions in a basic sense, or, opened the door for discussions.



    Blogger T.H. Elliott said...

    I figured the small tires had something to do with that, but I always wondered how they could hold that much weight. It's amazing. Planes are cool.

    Tue Jul 11, 09:57:00 AM PDT  
    Blogger Seven said...

    Now I Get It....maybe
    And its clear you know your game!

    Tue Jul 11, 09:58:00 AM PDT  
    Blogger Reach said...

    The tire tread is only utilized for tractional purposes; therefore, we must examine the tire's sidewalls and internal pressure capabilities. Keep in mind, the wheel wells are not presurized, like the cabin, and the Pressure differential(PSID) of the tire at altitude will increase, like a balloon in a vacuum.
    Tire sidewall constructional technology has increased with the use of certain materials, coupled with the fact of a lower sidewall area for PSI, will allow the tire to carry higher weight.
    I am on a "5hit" load of coffee today, so pardon my responses.

    Tue Jul 11, 10:06:00 AM PDT  

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