Location: California, United States

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Oh, I believe in Yesterday......

Hello All,

Yesterday met all criteria for “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly”; therefore, I shall begin with the later.

“The Ugly”, I woke up….Ok, I think that about sums up that one. As I watched the sun rise, from the shower window, I said good bye to that category and began my day.

“The Bad”, I lost my temper. I am proud of the fact, that I can maintain control and keep my attitude in check through all the adversities in my life. I have not been violent in more than ten years, and proud of that fact- well, until yesterday.
Since being released from active duty, and physically unable to regain employment in my former position, I filed for unemployment to carry myself through the next few months- would hate to drain my account completely. Also, I visited my friend at the VA to file my disability claim. Each will require my DD214, a form used by the military to document your achievements and experiences. OK, that being said, I went back to the base to request there be no delay on issuing that form. OOPS, they do not have all of the appropriate paper-work and of the items that are missing, have been shredded! OMG, now what shall I do. Please do not misunderstand my intentions, as I am looking at a disability rating close to 50%.

Shhhh, don’t tell anybody that I do not let that stand in my way of living life to the fullest, I shall tell you about my next adventure at the end of this post.

Anyway, I asked what I could do to solve this problem and received a minor attitude from the clerk. OK, again?.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have been doing well to stay in control. The clerk said, “Sorry, and oh-by-the-way, you are not the only person waiting on their DD214!”

You know, I was born at night, but not last night. No I did not say that to her.

I know that I am not the only one; additionally, I know that I fall in a sequential line. “I am only attempting to learn the time frame of this process”, I said. Still not losing my temper (so proud), as I am witnessing my disability claim fly out the window. I asked, “What can be done, to get these forms I require”. She informed me that it will probably take up to six months- Now you know the time that my ten year achievement was ending.

You see, I would be forced to begin the claim process all over, without this form. I do not know if I should go six months.

“Six Months, I asked? So, I packed up my belongings and grabbed my brief case and thanked her, still being polite and by some appearance, calm, and left her office. I immediately returned to my office and threw my brief case across the room. I next went for a walk in the atrium, to steady my nerves. After I returned to my office, I found that I had broken my brief case- that is why I do not like to lose my temper, it only does damage and is not productive. I sorted and organized the paper-work that was everywhere and made a second attempt for the DD214.

The young lady had some time for reflection and made a conscious decision to be more than helpful. And she was.

Part One,



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