This past weekend, I have made a decision. The doctors only have a "practice", so what do they know? I AM GOING SURFING. I don't know when, cause this first time back I shall not be alone. I would like to have my son and my best friends present. To "paddle out" in a pack, again, will be a "Rush". From the moment of sitting on the beach and determining "todays" break, to that moment of the first paddle in the pack will be the return of a dream. I know the Doc's will not appreciate their hard work being "misused", but the inner healing will be worth all of the forgone precautions. There is no question as to the board of the day. It will be the "Bruce Jones" for my first time back. I know the Sunset board will work, with the double wing and swallow tail, but I need more stability. The Sunset will be too much of a performer. The SeaFlight, is another story. This was my "comp" board. Of Surf boards, the SeaFlight is a racer. It has the ability to "turn on a dime" and catch air with ease. I know, as I have had it three feet of verticle air, above the lip. The SeaFlight is a slasher and not a carver. It has a winged, rounded pin tail, on a Tri fin frame. It was custom made, back in the day, with sharp rails and an extruded nose. Way too Fast and Furious, for this out of shape bod.
Friday night was spent at my son's "hangout spot" with him and his friends. I know this sounds odd, but my son's friends enjoy my presence. They continually tell me, that, I am, "not the typical dad"! I do not feel appropriate to "talk" down to them. I feel that I will hold their respect, as long as I give them respect. Then, when the times arrives for advice, my thoughts will hold merit. Thus far, this has proven accurate.
Saturday my best friend called and left a message on my cell. He said that he and his wife were at the Vineyards for some wine tasting. Along the way, they met a woman who remembers me from "the day" of my competition skating. She is a Vineyard tour guide, now. This was a wild thought for me. Anyway, they are all planning on going again next Saturday and would like me to join. If the weather remains as it is, I will plan to have the Jeep on the road and take it. Nothing like driving in Wine Country in a convertable, with the doors off.
To the people, whom, I've interacted- thank you for your insight and words.
Teri, such a wise and wonderful mind. You provoke thought and renewed aspirations.
Sterling, with a kind will, continues to place another's happiness before his own. He is tacking and coming about a new course, now is when his jib is pulling and ultimately filling the canvas with his happiness.
Melissa, with the love for all, thoughts of others, she cares about those who deserve. She, too, is a wise and wonderful mind.
Another thought has come my way, for any USMC that may read this one day. If you were part of the USMC training in So. Cal., at March, and relieved your stresses at "Sally's Alley", the guy who was on crutches (for so long) is alive and doing well. "Gimp" as you knew him, is off of the crutches and is looking forward to the day that you return.
I, still, continue thinking of the depth of my sharing. My life has held many adventures, no more than most other peoples; however, my experiences have taken unique paths. As I read other blogs, I sense the concerns of those who care about "Man kind". Additionally, as I read other blogs, I discover so many arenas that I have, and have not, taken for granted. Melissa is a true, caring and giving soul. While she sponsors a child; I can not say that I have arrived to this level. I can say, that I have fully clothed and fed children in the many nations of my travels. Yet, I have not reached her commitment. Sterling, with the love of his child, has released his calling (and love). Another commitment. Teri, who's forrest continues to grow, will spread the roots for another "tree's" nourishment. As in my personal life, my military life, and now my blogging life, I am surrounded by the best of the best in people. Ladies and Gentlemen, for me, this is what life is all about- touching those around us and being touched by those who are good.