Gibraltars of life
I am certain to lose my reader base due to my lack of involvement on my own site. Originally, I wanted this site to report my on-going medical status and to practice my writing skills. You see, I love to write and use my vivid imagination. Through my life, I have had the fortune of many unique adventures to illustrate. I can not explain why these ventures fall into my lap, but they do and I never hesitate in participating.
This past 3.5 years have been very tough and completely tried my attitude; however, I have walked away a better man. I view myself as better only because my views in life and other people have changed. I am more tolerant, and I have gained tremendous respect for others as I have learned we can not, nor should not, see another person’s façade and assume we are meeting the full person. The foundation of each individual personality continues to grow through their adversities and life’s lessons. Therefore, every person will change and we should expect this.
Prior to the accident, I was a “Now” minded individual. I planned for the future, as my training had taken over; yet, I very much enjoyed the moments with my friends in various locations.

Here is a sunset outside my window in Rota Spain. I like this photo, for it reminds me of found times. Like, when we rented cars and drove to The Rock of Gibraltar.

Anyway, I am lucky for my friends, as they have remained by my side through this ordeal and I value them this much more. I am lucky for my life, as I continue to give thanks every day and I appreciate the good things still coming my way. Mostly, I am lucky for my family, as my friends are included in this category, for my love for them will never end. Also, I would like to add, I am lucky for you, my individual reader, as you show your patients through my dry times and laugh with me as my life turns funny. Laughter is the best medicine, and I could not imagine sharing these times with any other person- So, to my Gibraltars, I thank you.

Standing steady, through history and into the future, we must remember the mirror not only reflects who we are, but where we have been- that is our foundation.